April 2019 Reading & Tasting


Unpopular opinion: I believe rosé season is not just for spring and summer, but all year long.

Of course, there are light and crisp, minerally rosé wines that beg for a beach day, but also complex and full-bodied ones that are packed with earthy and rich fruit flavors. Some would argue that much like wearing white after Labor Day, it's unfashionable to drink rosé before the season kicks off in April. I will continue to fight for rosé’s year-long drinkability, but when the warmer days roll in, I get it. I’m with the rose season believers. I fill my glass with pink and raise it in honor of the first weeks of spring.

This month, we’ll be drinking rosé from any region you like-- whether that’s a light Provence selection, a floral Italian variety, or something ripe and juicy from California and beyond.


To pair with our pink wine, we’ll be reading a just-as-devourable pick, Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid. A can’t-put-it-down novel about the rise of an iconic ‘70s rock group, their gorgeous lead singer, and the cause behind their dramatic break up. This book is fun, heart-capturing, and addictive-- a bit like the season we’re dipping our toes into.